
Lead in What Customers Really Want

Success isn’t found in selling features or benefits, but in delivering the outcomes your clients are ultimately looking for.

Customers “hire” your product/service for one reason: to make progress on their goals.

Where most product development and marketing strategies only look at correlations in demographics they don’t really understand what’s driving customer decisions. They don’t understand the client’s “struggling moments” in a way that identifies the driving forces that both generate and decrease demand. They look at what they think customers want, instead of learning the functional, emotional, and social/philosophical needs of their client. This leads to building, marketing and innovating on the wrong value mix; therefore, bloating the business, missing the mark with customers and decreasing both profit and sales.

This workshop will teach you the Progress + Forces Framework to keep your client needs centric and successfully deliver and market the experience and value mix they’re looking for so that you can enjoy increased results.


LEARN the framework and tools you need to:

  • Uncover why customers/clients make the decisions they do so you can differentiate your product/service and deliver better results.

  • Increase relevance to the customers/clients you serve.

  • Determine the right value mix so you can make clear choices on product/service offerings, access, features and customer experience so you can dominate the marketplace.

  • Create, deliver and innovate on the right things to maximize long term company growth.


Simple Steps for Success:


Successful businesses don't just solve short-term problems, they concern themselves with the progress their clients want to make and build to that.